
Welcome to my personal blog! This site is a place for me to share stories, memories, past experiences, etc., and to learn more about blogging. It is a place for me to “gather my thoughts” about things I have/am experiencing and to hopefully share information that will be helpful to others in some way, shape, form or fashion.

Feel free to stop by for a visit anytime. I hope to have new material a couple of times a month. As I mentioned on my “About Me” page, it will likely end up being a “grab bag” of topics for a while until I get my skills re-honed and my mind “uncluttered.”

Take care!


P.S. I will add pictures and photos eventually but, for now, I will most likely keep the theme of the site fairly basic since I am legally blind and learning. Part of my blindness affects my color vision so it is hard to tell what colors I would come up with on my own. Remember the old saying, “your momma dresses you funny?” Well, in my case, I tend to dress myself funny. Lol! I’ll share more about my blindness in an upcoming post. Thanks, again!